Located in the beautiful city of Charleston, Hampton Park has continued to awe residents with its decorative gardens, pristine lakes, and natural beauty. Over the years, the park has transformed into one of the few areas where people can escape the city and enjoy a relaxing day outside. Families love to host picnic lunches there on the weekend. Joggers and casual athletes take pleasure running around grand oak trees and flower gardens. Overall, people looking to unwind find Hampton Park a perfect place to catch a breath of fresh air.
Hampton Park Events
Sports Events
From its reputation to its natural beauty, Hampton Park has become a haven for amazing Charleston events. Every Saturday, from 8 a.m. to noon, the park has its Walk, Run, or Roll event, where locals can run around the park without worrying about traffic (since the park is closed to all vehicles). It offers a safe adventure for those weary of running around the city streets. Additional days for the Walk, Run, or Roll are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8 p.m.
Disc Golf has also become a popular pastime in Hampton Park. Every year in November, players can participate in an 18-hole tournament for the INNOVA Trophy. For those now aware of disc golf, the sport is a branch of its cousin sport, golf. The main difference is that you don’t hit a ball into a hole. Instead, you throw specialized Frisbees (a.k.a. discs) towards a chained net. If you want to know more about the sport, visit Charleston’s disc golf site at: www.charlestondgc.com
Considered a historic and truly beautiful place, Hampton Park has become a memorable area to host wedding ceremonies. Couples can arrange for services to be held under timeless oak trees and be surrounded by elegant floral displays. Stunning backdrops make it an unforgettable place for the happiest moment of your life.
Holiday Celebrations
On special holidays, Hampton Park hosts wonderful celebrations for families and friends. For Halloween, they host a Trick or Treat in the Park celebration, where children can enjoy a safe time gathering candy in the park. Everyone dresses up and has fun, so don’t be afraid to join in. Hampton Park offers a break from the usual party and will give you something to talk about.
Reserving the Park
If you’re looking to reserve the park for your wedding or own celebration event, you can go to the city of Charleston’s website, www.charlestoncity.info, and learn how to obtain a permit.
Hampton Park’s Amenities
- Public restrooms
- Drinking water
- Picnic tables
- Playground
- Historic features
- Gardens
- Baseball/softball fields
- Water features: ponds
Homes Near Hampton Park
If you’d like to live near Hampton Park, there are 2 great neighborhoods that offer stunning colonial homes that suit most tastes: Hampton Park Terrace and Wagener Terrace. Homes in these neighborhoods are all located around the park, and offer the best in southern living. Check out the homes today and see which ones dazzle you the most!