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Black Friday Real Estate Deals: Fact or Fiction?

It’s almost that time of year. That time where people’s eyes begin to glitter, families and friends come together from all over to spend time with their loved ones, and where even the air seems to carry a special, enchanting form of magic. That time is, of course, Black Friday. For the uninitiated, Black Friday is a post-Thanksgiving tradition in the United States, and when it happens, there’s no mistaking it. Shops fill to overflowing. Prices hit the floor and keep on going. And the fun doesn’t stop at video games and grills and flat-screen televisions. With increasing regularity, Black Friday is beginning to seep into the real estate market as well. Read on to learn about Black Friday real estate deals in Charleston, SC.

Black Friday and Real Estate

Black Friday And Real Estate 101

The holiday season, whether one chooses to celebrate it or not, is usually a time marked by the closure of stores, commercial markets, and other such ventures in favor of taking a little family time. The real estate market is no exception – the majority of the market hits a planned slump during the holiday season … and that’s when the smart buyers go deal-hunting.

If a house is on the market during the holidays, it means the seller is motivated. They often have a genuine need to sell, and when that need is coupled with the delightfully deal-prone Black Friday climate, bargains are sure to follow. All anyone looking to buy a home needs to do is take a moment to look for them.

How to Find the Deals

Many real estate agents say that the markets in Charleston, SC and elsewhere will see price drops of up to $10,000. Not only does this make for an attractive holiday price, but snagging a house or other property during such a bargain period can also mean lower taxes, a better tax situation, and a myriad of other such intangible side benefits.

What, by the way, would Black Friday be without insane deals on consumer goods? Evidence suggests that motivated sellers are getting into the spirit by offering everything from home theater systems to all-inclusive furnishing packages to vacations, and all because they know everyone loves a deal. Black Friday is a shopaholic’s dream, and when it comes to the current state of the housing market, it’s turning into a seller’s dream as well.

As it turns out, Black Friday real estate deals are right under the surface, just waiting to be plucked like a ripe piece of fruit. While it’s certainly true that most people associate Black Friday with DVD players and PlayStations, thanks to this guide on finding the best seasonal real estate deals in Charleston, SC, the savvy and motivated homebuyer should have no trouble snagging a truly wild bargain, and all without the near-death experience of a Black Friday in-store shopping trip. Happy hunting!

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