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A New Take On Old Village (with a Segway)

Sightseeing is a regular activity for those who visit the Charleston area. Families can spend sunny weekends at Patriots Point exciting evenings perusing the historic shops of downtown Charleston. But when it comes down to it, we’ve all done the tours and the exploring (by foot). Some of us may be tired of walking around for hours at a time, which is why the Cassina Group highly suggests a day trip to the Old Village — but not any regular trip. It’s time to get a new take on traveling and roam about the historic area of Mt. Pleasant on a segway.

Video by Segway of Charleston

Old Village Tours on Segways

Segway of Charleston offers different tours of the Old Village area in Mt. Pleasant, including a trip around the bay. At times, you’ll roll up to historic mansions or head over to Shem Creek, where you can watch the shrimp trawlers. You’ll even come to understand why George Washington wrote in his journal that Charleston was one of the most beautiful places in America.

If having amazing views of Charleston, Fort Sumter, Sullivan’s Island Lighthouse, and Shem Creek sound like a real trip, then gear up for a segway tour. The Old Village area has always been a treasure among local residents. It’s history and location provide families and neighbors a chance to admire the shining waters and beautiful architecture. It’s a place people dream of.

Forget the car and forget walking. Breathe in the history and beauty of Old Village and take a segway tour today. The weather is beautiful and ready to give one of the best memories you’ll ever have.

For more information, visit the Segway of Charleston’s website: click here.

If you happen to fall in love with the area as you tour about and are considering buying a home in the Old Village area, contact us today and we’ll be ready to help you. See our current listings below:

Click Here to Explore Old Village Real Estate

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